Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

In Robert Goolrick's debut novel, A Reliable Wife, the reader witnesses the coming together of two extremely twisted and tortured souls. Ralph Truitt, a very rich but emotionally damaged man, is looking for (You guessed it!) a reliable wife. Catherine Land, a mysterious woman with a sordid past, answers his call and as the reader soon discovers is something all together different from what Ralph thinks he has found. The plot of this story is as dark as the cold Wisconsin winter upon which it is staged.

I loved this book and didn't want to put it down. After having read it cover to cover in one sitting I then passed it on to a few friends who, it turns out, were less then enchanted by what I thought to be a literary masterpiece (or at least a really good book). Perhaps the characters do lack sound morals but we can't all be perfect. Maybe the plot is a bit dark but who doesn't get a little depressed every now and then?

Goolrick writes about horrible characters who have done horrific things. However, despite their vile personas, one can't help but be captivated; wondering what crimes they may commit next. This is a truly unique and well written book, with well developed characters and an authentic plot. I feel as though the author must have spent countless hours racking his brain for just the right words to evoke just the right amount of suspense and foreboding to truly suck the readers in. I LIKED THIS BOOK!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will have to disagree with your assessment of this book. While the characters are indeed shallow and dark, they are not relatable. I found myself hoping that the unenduring characters would kill each other off and spare me having to read any further. Perhaps if they had had any redeemable qualities whatsoever, I might have better identified with them and Goolrick. The very idea that Goolrick thought he could pass these characters off as anything less than horrible and superficial creepers, is crazy to me. I liken it to painting Osama Bin Laden as a misunderstood man of god.
